So we got two bits of good news this week...well one was more news that we got and one is more news that we can report....
The news we got is that Joe passed the Audit section of the CPA exam with flying colors! A 75 is passing and he got a 91 so he was thrilled. So, that's two down and two to go, he's already well into studying for the next one which he'll take near the end of the summer. Good job, Honey!
As for our news to report, I'm still pregnant! I went in this week for the cerclage procedure/surgery and all went well. The baby is becoming notorious for hiding from the nurses and does not like to have his/her heartrate recorded. That has caused me to go into panic mode more than once over the last several weeks, but all is well. The cerclage (basically a drawstring type stitch that they place around my cervix to keep me from dilating prematurely) is in place, baby looks great and I am doing fine after the procedure (although I'm not a fan of the anesthegiolist that gave me the spinal, I could barely move yesterday I was so sore!). Thanks to those who watched my kiddos and brought us dinner that night. It was all greatly appreciated! This is a huge step in a pregnancy for me and I'm so glad to be at this point and finally feel comfortable in looking forward to having a new baby. Two more weeks until the ultrasound!
We'll keep you posted!
One Last Snuggle
2 months ago