Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Results are in!

With this pregnancy (as with all the others) I've had lots of ultrasounds from the very beginning to check up on different things. They've all been a little too early to give a definitive answer as to the gender of the baby. Well, this morning I had "The Ultrasound" and we found out that we are having a...

Yay, we're excited!

After I picked up Andrew from the friend's house who was watching him, I told him the news on the way home. He said, "What? This was supposed to be a boy!!" I pointed out that this way, we'll have 3 boys and 3 girls in our family. He thought about that for a few minutes then said, "Well, it's a good thing that we have Baby Benjamin, that way the boys team is still winning!"

That made me smile :-) I'm glad that he knows that he has another brother who is part of our Eternal family.


Julie Clark said...

That's precious! Congratulations!!

Melanie said...

That is sweet..."the boy team is winning." I love it.

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys. That's awesome.

Danny and Jessi said...

Ohh that Andrew. That made me all teary.

Lindsey said...

That is really sweet!! Congratulations!