I was just looking over the last several entries that I have put on here and realized that I've been neglecting my youngest! So, here's a little about what's going on with him...
Andrew is 18 months and just started nursery a few weeks ago...hallelujah! He loves nursery and being with the other kids. He thinks that he is as big as his brother and can (and should be allowed) to do everything Sam does.
He's very independant and loves to do things for himself...here he is getting himself some breakfast.
Here he is opening the "Toad-ally Awesome" valentine that he got from G&G Lodge. He is truly my son because .... he loves chocolate!
He is a happy and smart little boy. He's started talking lately so that's exciting to try and learn his new words with him. It's so fun to watch him figure out that he can actually communicate with us...he gets so excited! He still loves to snuggle when he wakes up, which I love! He's so big, but for those few minutes I get to pretend like he's still my baby!
I love you Andrew!
LOL You are hilarious! I am sure that Andrew will appreciate you posting this one day. I won't tell him that you've been neglecting him. He is such a cutie! And I love all the funny things Sam says! He's such a little grown up! LOL
It's funny how sometimes the little guy gets left behind. How great are you at least realizing and doing something about it!
He's so cute.
It's nice to hold onto them as babies even when they are not so much babies....more like toddlers.
What cute picts! He has the sweetest eyes!
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