Opening their pajamas on Christmas Eve...
Here's Abby checking out her new PJ's. That's such a classic Abby expression!
Sam got "reindeer food" from his teacher that he had sprinkle outside so that the reindeer would remember to stop at our house. For those who are not familiar with reindeer food, it looks an awful lot like oatmeal and glitter :-)
Hanging the stockings...
New PJ's!! I actually made the boys pants this year, they love them!
The note and picture that Sam left with the treats for Santa.
The living room after Santa came but before the kids were awake...Sleepy boys at 6:00 AM! It's not just their fault, though, that we were up so early! I woke up at 5:00 and laid there waiting for any sounds from their room so that I'd have an excuse to get up! It drives Joe nuts, but every year I'm worse than the kids on Christmas morning!
That's where the pictures stopped! We had a very long, drawnout process of opening presents. Some we brought downstairs to open on the webcam with Joe's family in Virginia. Then we went back upstairs and finished off the rest. My family came over for a brunch a little later on. After plenty of playing and then some naps (for me especially) we went to my parents house to talk to my missionary brother and eat a yummy Christmas dinner of Mexican food. It was a great day!
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