Friday, September 9, 2011

Our morning bike ride adventure...oh, and Andrew's first day of Preschool!

After two days of waiting in the impossibly long line "parent pick up" line at Sam's school, I decided that we were going to try something different. So, this morning we rode bikes to school! Now, just some background on the bike situation. Sam has only had his training wheels off for a couple of weeks and is still a little shaky and building confidence. He's a very cautious kid by nature, so learning to ride with no training wheels has been a process. But, this morning we gave it a try. I loaded Abby in the bike trailer and the boys each rode their bikes. It's about .85 miles from our house to the school, kinda far and I had NO idea how long it would take. We were, no surprise, late getting out the door so we didn't have time to dawdle. We make it in about 15 minutes, not bad for our first day. But, when we got there, I realized that I'd forgotten the key to the bike lock I couldn't lock up his bike. Ugh! But we didn't have many choices so I left the bike there with the lock wrapped around it so it LOOKED like it was locked and headed off to our next stop...

Andrew's first day at Preschool!

It's only about two blocks from the Elementary school to the Preschool so we were there quickly. Andrew was so excited about the day, bike riding and all, that he hardly even looked back once we got him to his classroom. I did get him to look up once for a quick picture!

After dropping him off I headed home, got the key for the bike lock and went back to Sam's school and locked up his bike. Whew, I was a bit tired by the time I got home. (Side note: that was AFTER running 4.2 miles this morning) Better yet, I get to make that round trip bike ride two more times today! I'm thinking that Andrew will be in the trailer with Abby when we go get Sam, he might be too tired to make it again...I'll let you know how it goes!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Yeah...I have been making Gabe walk home. Today I decided to be nice and pick him up (since I was already out) and sat in the school parking lot for over 20 minutes. Yeah...he can walk from now on. Sheesh!